Friedl, Messisco, Shibata – A Magical Aiki Weekend

We are immensely pleased to announce that in cooperation with our CAA Division 2 Sister Dojo Two Rivers Budo, the Aikido & Healing Arts of Roseville will be hosting Michael Friedl Sensei, Dan Messisco Sensei, and Yoshi Shibata Sensei for “A Magical Aiki Weekend.”


Thank you for your interest in this three day aikido event hosted in Roseville, CA, located about 10 minutes North of Sacramento on I-80. While the hosting dojo will be available for those who want to stay overnight here at the Center (sorry, no showers); if you are traveling to our area and want information on local accomodations, please contact the Aikido & Healing Arts Center of Roseville directly at or on Facebook: you prefer to pre-pay by check, cash, or money order; please contact the hosting dojo directly using the contact information above and we will ensure your spot in this seminar is noted once payment is secured.